Interiors Therapy & Feng Shui Mindset

Yes it paid off - BIG TIME!

Nov 26, 2020

I smile each time I read this message from my online client Louise who has a home in NYC.

“That exercise you showed me when the Interiors Therapy was complete at the start of 2020 and set my intentions with Manifesto for Life?

A lot of good things happened for me in 2020 despite Covid … but you already know that! 

There was just one thing I was waiting for…

I just heard I got my promotion. 

It was the final thing on my list! I get a raise too.

"I am literally jumping for joy!”

Louise, NYC

Interiors Therapy CAN and WILL change your life IF YOU DO THE WORK! The Manifesto for Life (or Love!) is the last bit of the process.

Louise did the groundwork, laid her foundations, ditched everything holding her back. Despite the pandemic, she maintained an Interiors Therapy lifestyle, stayed positive and was increasingly magnetic to ‘good stuff’ as the year progressed.

Yes it was an investment, yes she continued coaching with me through the year.

YES it paid off – BIG TIME!

Happy 2021 Louise, I’m excited to work with you on your next magnetic Manifesto for Life!