Interiors Therapy & Feng Shui Mindset

Why I'm grateful to Covid 19

Oct 02, 2020

“I have this idea for a book”

“Zees is great news” purred my little French friend in her delicious accented English. “It is time you share these methods”

We were tramping through the woods just before New Year, both a bit under the weather and trying to snap out of it in the chill winter air.

That afternoon I crawled into bed, finally succumbing to the fever.

For the next ten days and nights I barely escaped the duvet. 

With my body ravaged by endless coughing and too weak to do much else, I distracted myself by writing about Interiors Therapy, recalling client stories and documenting the Manifesto for Love process I use with VIP clients. 

I confess there were a couple of times I believed the breathlessness would finish me off

– the book would be the blueprint for Interiors Therapy after my untimely demise.

It took a month to feel human again. The book was complete and Facebook provided me with test readers from a range of backgrounds.

With glowing feedback a publisher immediately expressed interest. The Panoma Press team fast-tracked publication to make Interiors Therapy principles available to everyone struggling with their relationships, career, health and home situation in the most peculiar year any of us have lived through. 

The timing was perfect to help lift emotional stress, overwhelm and anxiety exacerbated by the pressures of lockdown.

So how does this connect with #ThankfulThursday?

·      I’m grateful to that weird flu, probably #Covid19, giving me the space to write ‘Welcome Home, How Stuff Makes or Breaks your Relationship’.

·      I’m grateful to Facebook for connecting me with test readers who encouraged me with their enthusiasm and to Panoma Press for having faith in my writing.

·      I’m grateful the book is making a massive difference around the world for people who now understand the impact of their stuff and how to change up their lifestyle.

·      I’m grateful the media embraced ‘Welcome Home’ and for the exciting opportunities it brings.

·      I’m grateful for the new clients who found me and the amazing people working through the ‘Interiors Therapy Masterclass’ online course.

I have a lot to be thankful for in 2020.