Interiors Therapy & Feng Shui

Jennifer Aniston gets it!

Feb 15, 2019

In January 2019 Grazia Magazine featured an article about Jennifer Aniston inviting an ‘Interiors Therapist’ to clear the energy and possessions left behind at the Actress’s home by her ex-husband, Justin Theroux, when their marriage ended.

Grazia describes how the therapist gave Jen the confidence to part with everything associated with her ex and successfully look forward to a brighter future.

This is such an important thing to do at the end of any relationship, and whether you call it Interiors Therapy, De-cluttering or the KonMari Method, by cleansing your home of all the negative energy, triggers and memories associated with a former partner, you put yourself in a stronger and happier place to move forward.

Book a consultation to start the process for yourself.