Interiors Therapy & Feng Shui

Feng Shui Remedy Inspiration - Water

May 15, 2023

In bespoke Feng Shui we use a remedy known as Water in spaces where the we need to increase the flow of energy or there is too much natural ‘fire energy’ present causing burn-out, anger and stress.

Not every home needs water energy, but sometimes you might require two or more water remedies in one year and none the next. As your Feng Shui energy changes slightly each year, the remedies required this year may not be the same in years to come. 

Request your bespoke Feng Shui report.


Water remedies might seem a little scary at first, but that’s because people assume they have to buy those tabletop water features which trickle water constantly and make you want to rush to the bathroom. We seldom recommend these very small water features for two reasons;

1.      They can be very irritating

2.      The remedy needs a minimum of 1litre of water and these have a small reservoir which often evaporates meaning they need to be topped up frequently.

Life is too short to constantly monitor a whirring, dribbling torture machine so instead we get creative to bring in both beauty and practicality!

We use a large vase (aim for 5+ litres) and ideally have it made of metal, glass or resin. Avoid clay or ceramic as they represent earth energy. At a push you could even use a plastic bucket to get you started.

Then we add a little electrical pump like this from AmazonThe water does need to move 24/7* so if you’re doing your own research aim for a silent or ultra-quiet pump which will move a minimum of 10 litres. Do check your pump has a plug as many now seem to have a usb connection which isn’t always convenient.

We find searching for ‘floor vase’ on gives us a range of options like this metal vase from Wayfair.

A couple of additional things to bear in mind Make sure the vase has a top wide enough to fit your arm and a mini pump into so you can reach the bottom to secure the pump with its rubber suckers. If you live in a hard water area you might prefer to avoid clear glass as this shows a limesecale tidemark after a couple of months. Lastly, choose a vase or container with a wide and stable bottom – this is one remedy you want to stay upright!

This Acel green glass vase by Perch and Parrow would work well. There are two size options, choose the large one.

The Chi or life force energy does need to get to the water, so please don’t tuck it away inside a cupboard as it has to be able to ‘breathe’.

Once you have your water remedy in place, you can enhance the energy buy using décor items in blue, bluey-purple (not pinky-purple as this represents fire energy), black and very dark grey. This duvet set is by Sanderson for Marks&Spencer.

And this print is by East End for Dunelm

Avoid having too much water energy all in the same place as this can increase feelings of overwhelm, result in tears, tantrums and may be quite depressing, so while it can be tempting to paint the walls blue or invest in a navy carpet, this might be too much and will potentially work against you next year when the feng shui may require something other than a water remedy.

However you choose to activate your water remedy, make it beautiful and remember you need a minimum of 1litre of water moving 24/7. Feng shui is all about enhancing the positivity within your home so choose something you like the look of and let the good times roll.

The vases in the cover image are by Graham and Green.

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