Interiors Therapy & Feng Shui Relationships Clutter

Christmas and the impact of dead stuff

Dec 11, 2020

It’s traditional to bring evergreen holly, ivy, and mistletoe into the home to celebrate new growth. It dates back to pagan celebrations of the winter solstice.

Having greenery in the home is delicious, but when it starts to dry out, no one thinks twice about letting it go – who wants wilting ivy or wrinkly mistletoe?

Dead energy is unhealthy. It creates feelings of being trapped or stuck and drains positivity from a space. With dead energy you find spiders, cobwebs, odd smells and dust.

Spoiler alert! I often find dead energy in the homes of the divorced and separated.

And yet, dried flowers, brittle sticks and twigs are found in many homes all year round.

I’m not immune! One autumn I got carried away and bought two attractive dried willow hearts with roses and red berries. In my enthusiasm for creating the ‘perfect Christmas home’

I put them on the wall above the sofa where I curled up with my beloved each evening. It took a week for the first cracks to show.

Two months later the relationship was over. The love had dried up. All that remained was dead energy and broken dreams.

I didn’t understand until after he left. Looking around without Christmas blinkers it was blindingly obvious. Two dead hearts were quite literally the writing on the wall … and I’d been totally oblivious to it.

Since that Interiors Therapy fail I’m much more aware of the ‘dead stuff’.

I found a dried flower wreath in the rental of a guy who gave it to his wife at the beginning of their IVF journey. The marriage didn’t survive two cycles. But he kept the wreath! Just before the money dried up he called me in.

He ditched the dead stuff, met a girl, fell in love. He started again and has just bought a new place. Dried flowers are banned.

What is the dead energy in your place doing to you and the people you love? Or have they already left you?

Maybe it’s time to hunt out the dead energy in your home!